Measured my weight again. It is 10 kg increase since I arrived Japan. Not healthy. Unfit. Not aesthetically pleasing hehehe.
Remember that a friend always says, oftentimes, 'Nana, be on diet'. (Okay.. okay..)
Another friend says 'Stop stocking chocolate inside your desk' (Hei...wait, you always eat more than I do :P)
And my dear roomate says 'Seeing is believing... Nana won't lose weight. She keeps on eating and eating'.
Urusai. Shoganai.
But I didn't care.
Until today. 10 kg!!! If I persistently carry out this unhealthy way of life... don't know what my mom would say when she sees me 9 months later. And my friends. Just can't endure those provocations with persistent annoyances, repeatedly, over and over, countinuously.
Commencement of diet program ;-)
1. Take kaidan, instead of the elevator. No elevator from today. Saving energy resource.
2. Get rid of those chocolates. Change the snack with fruits. (hiks.. I love chocolate)
3. Eat regularly 3 times a day.
Friends, any suggestion??