I've never thought before that I could enjoy internet connection so much just like I do now. I used to think that the world around me comprises many blocks and boundaries in betweens. Internet wipes out these boundaries and creates the whole new imaginary global world; And now, I do believe that this inanimate thing called internet can play a very big role over my daily life.
Early on, I had only two major motivations to install internet. And I'd got many major obstacles to refrain from applying for it. The complicatedness application procedures in applying for internet once had made my friend lose his temper, which was once in a blue moon. It also took much time before having the assurance of internet installation.
So sad to realize that all the obstacles exhibit from only one reason, we are not Japanese. The reality of being discriminated by others sometimes is just difficult to accept even it does exist. Because everywhere around the globe there is always tendency to treat the minorities below the belt. It is human nature yet reprehensible. We realize it but we does nothing when it is us who does the act. In the contrary, we criticize when us the dupe is.
Anyway, about the internet connection, the motivations won against the obstacles. I have it installed 100 Mbps. I am able to be online 24 hours. I get benefits. The distance is no longer baffled by space and time. Just a screen away.... but I have no reason for not doing myresearch at every point.