Fujie Goto Kenkyushitsu has 2 professors (sensei), the original one (the one who recommended me to Monbusho to get the scholarship) is Koichie Fujie, and the other one (the associate professor) is Naohiro Goto. Three months after the arrival, I decided to join Goto Sensei's group : Environmental Information Analysis (EIA). The reasons were simple: It's the most interesting topic among the 3 groups and most applicable topics to be implemented in Indonesia.
First time I met Goto Sensei. Along with his friendly face and warm greeting, he welcomed 'Please enjoy your life in Japan. If you have any difficulty, dont hesitate to come'. With so many projects he always deals with, every now and then he never forgot to ask me graciously about any problems I might encountered, any advice I might needed, although from time to time I found myself not giving good performance and simply expressing confusion. He never complained. He throughout the time assured me about any research resources I required. In a very reserved manner... he always gave psychological support, aid and courage. He also has good-nature tolerance for any incompetence and delay and yet without forgetting to manage his obligation to educate all the lab members. He can be very strict in a very gentle way.
But he has to leave. To the land of castles :D and romantic spots.
And now I am sad. And worried as well. About the sustainability of my research. What I am gonna do without his existence in the lab and whom I can come to whenever I face a problem. Even the simplest thing like his existence is really helpful. Got to find ways out of this problem right away.
Dont know how to express my feeling of thankful and appreciation to him.